Last month I talked about The Belgians Are Coming by The Bonnevilles. I got to know them at the Trash'n'Burn pre-party in Croatia. Last year at that pre-party (same party, different year) I heared James Leg for the very first time and what a revelation that was !!
Reverend James Leg (John Wesley Myers) is the son of a Texas preacher, raised in the South on Gospel music. Some people might know him from the Black Diamond Heavies or The Immortal Lee County Killers but now he travels around the world preaching the punk blues.
Only accompanied by drums he handles these two old keyboards - I remember at the show I saw that he had to do an emergency fix on one of them - but the sound he creates with this setup has no comparison. Some people say that James' voice resembles Tom Waits but I don't think you have to compare. James Leg growls like James Leg and that's it.
In this video of Fever you can see the zeal he has while playing. It could as well have been his amazing cover of A Forest or Drinkin' Too Much or any other of his great songs (go check them out !!) but I could not choose.
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