The Priceduifkes (PDS for those who can't pronounce it) is a regional band that we all can be proud of. They already toured Europe, North America and Japan and either if they play at a large festival or in an old worn-out barn (hopefully, someday) they only have one gear : full throttle !!

I must confess though, I'm not the fan that can sing along all their lyrics but I really like their sound.  A few days ago they released a new single : Send It.  And if I would not like it I would not be writing this.  It was an instant add to my Spotify playlist.

I was wondering why I did not write about Sent It yet but today they also released an awesome video. Perhaps I was just waiting to share this with you.

Send It is a harbinger for a new album : Full Send.  Can't wait to listen to that one !

Lyrics :

In my thirties writing break up songs 

Can someone tell me what I keep doing wrong? 


I got this letter I wanna send her 

I can’t forget her and it’s not getting better 


Can you blame me that I wanna move on 

Its been a total mess for far too long 


 I got .. 


 Full speed heading towards a wall 

I wonder if she sees it coming at all 


 I got ... 


 It’s all shit but it’s been worse before 

Now is the perfect time to close the door. 


I can’t forget her and it’s not getting better 

I wrote a letter, that I’m gonna send - .. 


 I wrote a letter that I’m gonna regret but I’m still gonna send it 

And when we talk this through in a couple of months I’ll say that I never meant it 


I made a list of some shit that you pulled but I already feel stupid 

Cause you’ll probably rip it apart right away as soon as you’ve called it bullshit 

 - [ ] 

I wrote some words down and I’m feeling like shit now 

Just needs a stamp and then it’s ready to go out 

And when she gets it in a couple of days 

Won’t check my phone or won’t get out of my place


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